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Merry Christmas - Bingo Hall Ideas

Written by Arrow International | Dec 2, 2020 7:57:19 PM

Create a Festive Christmas Environment in Your Gaming Venue

Don’t forget that we all need to socialize responsibly.  Please make sure you adhere to your state’s/jurisdiction’s published guidelines on mask-wearing and social distancing – and any other COVID-19 procedures in place - and that you continue to make your patrons feel safe – and comfortable – during your bingo sessions!  We can all still enjoy the holidays – and laugh – with just a little more vigilance to make us all safe!


HOLIDAY SNOWBALL TOSS: Contact a local craft store for a Christmas wreath donation and buy some Styrofoam snowballs (can be purchased at any craft store and are inexpensive).  Take the evening’s bingo winners and have each make 3 tosses  ‘through’ the wreath (determine reasonable distance from the wreath before your session).  In the event of a tie, continue throwing until you have a winner – and the winner takes home the wreath!  A great way to engage and promote a local vendor – and to have some Christmas fun!  Make sure you indicate the craft store that provided the donated wreath!

PUT ON YOUR “MERRIEST” CHRISTMAS OUTFIT: Then have your bingo crowd determine who has the ‘best’ and merriest outfit - by a round of applause!  The winner then is awarded a free buy-in package for the next bingo event.   

CELEBRATE FAMILY: We have spent so much ‘family time’ together this year; why not extend that to your bingo event? Plan so that you can set your hall up accordingly with table numbers for the respective families.  Invite your regulars to bring family members along – and provide the family members w/a less expensive buy-in package. You may even create some new bingo and pull tab ticket players!  (Attention should be paid to any age restrictions relevant to your particular jurisdiction).

CREATE A FESTIVE CHRISTMAS ENVIRONMENT WITH ARROW’S BINGO PAPER AND CHRISTMAS  INK MARKERS: Think of creative ways to use bingo paper for the holidays:  use red and green loose sheets for specials; post Christmas patterns (as shown) – and play as many as you like – or leave the pattern to the evening’s finale game – to create excitement! Additional prizes: check out your local craft store (again) for Christmas mask donations – and award those as prizes during the evening to bingo winners.


Check our web sites for ideas as to how you can reinforce the cleanliness and safety of your venue – and welcome your players – as we celebrate the holiday season!

EMPHASIZE STAYING LOCAL: Emphasize the appeal of staying local – and how important it is that we now, more than ever, support our local charities and organizations.  They, too, need help ‘coming back’! 

CHECK OUT OUR VIDEOS FOR IDEAS: Money may be in short supply.  Provide your players with greater entertainment value and more chances to win by offering 25¢ and 50¢ pull tab tickets! Check out our YouTube videos for ideas as to how you can make it easier for your players to re-engage.

SOCIAL DISTANCING IN YOUR HALL: Concerned that your bingo hall will have reduced capacity due to social distancing requirements? Check out our Max product lines to simplify inventories. Also consider, as applicable, more sessions per day and shorter games – and ask your patrons to pre-register so that no one is ‘left out in the cold’, thinking that merely ‘coming to the hall’ guarantees them an evening of entertainment!

Download our latest Bingo Hall Ideas - Holiday 2020

Don’t hesitate to ask your local businesses for gifts you can use for prizes! It’s great advertising for your local business owners!