Bring Bingo Back

Help Your Players Feel Safe in Your Bingo Hall

Written by Arrow International | Apr 2, 2020 7:53:20 PM

When shelter-in-place mandates have been lifted and our bingo halls can get back to business, players are going to return, and bring with them a new set of expectations for social events, including things like a heightened sense of cleanliness and social distancing. There are a few things you can do to make sure your players feel safe and comfortable when you reopen your hall's doors.

1. Employ a new cleaning and sanitization regimen in your hall. Schedule deep cleans and sanitize floors and surfaces often. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends using EPA approved products for sanitizing and provide hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for your players to help them feel comfortable using your electronic equipment and tables, chairs, and counters. Consider wiping down electronic handheld equipment between each player.

2. Give your players more space. Many halls have lots of tables packed into their halls, and could benefit from removing one or two tables to free up more space in between tables and players. We understand every hall is different and this might be more feasible for some than for others, so do what is best for your hall!

3. Step up your personal service. Keep players in their seats as much as possible by implementing more wait staff in your bingo hall. Bring beverages and snacks to players, rather than have them come up to the counter to order. Eliminate as many points of contact for players as possible. You may even consider using gloves and masks when serving players. You may also consider adding extra vending machines for prepackaged snacks, just be sure to disinfect the face of the machine often.

4. Communicate these changes to your players. Use signage and social media to make it known to your players that you will be taking their health and safety very seriously from now on. Let them know how often and how well you'll be cleaning your hall, and what changes you'll be implementing to make their experience the best it can be. Your customers will need to be assured their experience will be fun and safe.

We know we're all living through a rapidly-changing time, but if we make sure to always be considerate of each other, we are sure to be successful together!