The holiday season is a time of joy, of gift giving, and of families united. Tap into these themes to make your holiday bingo an exciting event!
Why not kick off your Holiday bingo season with a family night: planning ahead of time and encouraging your patrons to bring family members. After all the separation we have endured with COVID-19, it might be a welcome event - and a fun one at that!
Consider incorporating some of these bingo patterns into your Holiday bingos:
Don't forget to order our festive holiday ink dabbers! Hurry - while supplies last!
Tap in to your local businesses to see if you can get some prize donations. How about a Christmas stocking (check with your local craft store to see if they might donate one they made), then fill it with candy and fun holiday items and award it to the winner of your last bingo game for the evening! Announce this at the beginning of your session - and keep the suspense as to its contents - until the winner of the last bingo game is announced!
Ask your local craft store for a wreath donation. It can be used two-fold to add excitement to your holiday games: you can sell raffle tickets then select a ticket at the end of the evening and award the wreath to the lucky recipient.
You can also incorporate the wreath, prior to the evening finale, into a ‘snowball’ game. Take a break midway through your bingo session: everyone can get up, stretch - and then stand to watch the ‘snowball’ toss. No, no snowballs - but marshmallows - large size. Announce the ‘snowball’ toss and have the bingo winners from the first half of the evening line up for the ‘snowball’ toss. Have a volunteer hold the wreath steady for each toss and make sure each participant maintains the same distance from the wreath. The one with the most successful tosses through the center of the wreath is the winner. You can award a free buy-in package at a future bingo!
‘Tis the season for giving, so try hosting a “Smitten by the Mitten” evening. Advertise ahead of time: ask your patrons to bring a new pair of mittens - for any age group - for that evening. Also advertise that the ‘collection’, in the name of your charity, will be going to a local organization helping those in need. In return, enter your participating patrons’ names into a drawing for the end of the evening for a free buy-in at a future bingo. Display the mittens for the evening then, once the drawing has concluded, collect the ‘mittens’ and take them to a shelter/church where they can be distributed to those in need. You may even want to tie in a bingo game to the “Smitten by the Mitten” evening with a mitten pattern.
Last but certainly not least: planning a New Year’s bingo event? Don’t forget to order our “Celebrate” ink dabbers, available in four fabulous colors! Welcome in the New Year with a splash of color at your bingo event!
Check our web sites for ideas as to how you can reinforce the cleanliness and safety of your venue – and welcome your players back –with confidence!
CHECK OUT OUR PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS: Download and print promotional materials from your computer. Choose from posters, flyers and postcards, add your organization's name. Also, includes safety signage you can use in your hall - printable PDFs.
BINGO GAME PATTERNS: View and download Arrow's bingo game patterns and probability. Find new game patterns to engage your players in the new years.
Download our latest Bingo Hall Ideas - Holiday 2021
Don’t hesitate to ask your local businesses for gifts you can use for prizes! It’s great advertising for your local business owners!